Help Your Young Athlete Thrive


Lower Stress

More Enjoyment

Fewer Power Struggles

Your son or daughter used to play with joy and confidence & you used to enjoy watching them,

but now…


You see them struggle and don’t know how to help.


Everything you try to do seems to backfire


You’re afraid if you stop pushing they will stop trying and quit. 


You want them to succeed so much but wonder if they want it as badly as you do.


You try to be supportive but find yourself getting more and more frustrated.


You wonder why they show so little appreciation for the privilege of playing.

There is a better way...

Go from pushing to guiding and watch your young athlete thrive!

Shift responsibility from you to them

Clearly identify your (and their) intention for playing

Train your 'calm captain' so you can respond more, react less

Manage your own triggers more effectively

Know what to say in the tough moments

Teach them to be empowered advocates

I’m a parent of athletes too…

I played competitive soccer growing up and in college, and I’m the parent of two competitive athletes. I understand how difficult it is to find the balance of nudging and letting them take the reins. I’ve worked with parents for years to help them be the best version of themselves as they support their kids. It’s not easy but, as you know, it’s so rewarding when you see progress. 

The more you are patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself, the more you will be able to show up that way for your child. It’s your job to be their calm in the storm in one moment, and to stoke the fire in their bellies in the next. But when do you do each? I will help you learn the skills to identify what type of support they need and provide it in an empowering and supportive way. 

3 Steps to Effective Sports Parenting

"But....," you might be saying,

"I don’t need coaching, my son or daughter does!"

It may be true that coaching would help them but only if they are open to it. Whether you realize it or not YOU are one of the most influential people in their sports world. Your feedback, facial expressions, and subtle expectations affect them more than you realize.

"I’m not one of those parents who wants their kid to play in college because I didn’t (or because I did). I’m not putting that kind of pressure on them."

The stereotype of the parent who is berating their kid for not doing their third workout of the day is not one that most parents fall into. However, there are many subtle ways that we, as parents, add pressure unknowingly to our young athletes. It doesn’t mean that we are doing anything wrong – it’s well meaning – but it’s worth reflecting on so that we can be intentional with our behavior.

"I’m already so busy, I don’t have time for one more commitment."

I believe that you are busy. You’ve put so much into their athletic career but you’re at a crossroads. Look at coaching as an investment. Taking the time to do this work yourself could be a game changer. Not only could it transform your child’s experience of their sport, but it could transform your ability to enjoy the journey with them. 

It’s hard enough being a parent. I don’t really need some expert telling me what I’m doing wrong.

I have no interest in judging or pointing figures. I am a parent of young athletes as well and I understand how challenging it can be. The purpose of this is not to expose your shortcomings but instead to give you tools to empower your son or daughter to thrive in their sport.