
Headwaters Coaching provides mental performance coaching for individual athletes, parents of athletes, and sports teams. We offer speaking engagements and workshops for youth, high school, and college athletic programs.

Competitive Athletes

Are you looking for help with the mental part of your game? Overcoming negative self-talk, building mental resilience, and managing your emotions effectively are just a few of the goals that I help athletes achieve.

Recovering from an injury? I have a specific coaching program to help you address the mental aspects of injury recovery. Overcome the fears that are holding your recovery back.

Parents of Competitive Athletes

Are you seeking tools to support your young athlete?  I can help you lower your stress level, find more enjoyment watching them play, and have fewer power struggles. Explore coaching for you to bring your A game so they can be at the top of theirs.

You don’t have to be the out-of-control parent screaming on the sidelines to benefit from tools to help you son or daughter thrive.

Coaches, ADs, or Youth Directors

Are you looking to add mental performance training to your repertoire? I offer workshops and talks for teams, groups of coaches, and entire programs tailored to the challenges that they are experiencing. Potential topics include building positive team cultures, integrating mental training into your coaching, and overcoming negative self-talk. I also offer workshops on the psychological aspects of injury recovery for physical therapists and athletic trainers.


Not sure where to start?

Set up a free 30 minute Discovery Call

Coaching for Athletes

Starter Offerings

Phone Consult (Free)

30 Minute Phone Consultation

Clarify primary challenges and potential goals for coaching

Included on phone consult: athlete, parent or both

Explain options for coaching, what we offer, benefits of performance coaching

Answer your questions about sports performance coaching, coaching packages, etc  

Discovery Session

55 Minute Session (in-person or virtual)

Identify primary mental hurdles you are encountering.

Gather information about your athletic history, challenges you’ve experienced 

Establish specific goals for mental performance coaching

Create coaching plan based on your goals and challenges


Mental Training Bootcamp

Weekly 25 minute sessions for 4 consecutive weeks (in person or virtual)

Learn four essential Mental Training Tools (One per week)

Follows 4 part Personal Training for your Mind curriculum

Build resiliency, mental fortitude, focus, & confidence

Includes homework between sessions and supplemental materials 


Coaching for Athletes

Coaching Packages


Weekly Individual Coaching Sessions                    

Text contact in between sessions via WhatsApp

Follows Mental Training Curriculum personalized to athlete’s specific challenges

Access to online portal containing topic specific videos, worksheets, tools, and other resources.





Weekly Individual Coaching Sessions                         

Text contact in between sessions via WhatsApp

Follows Mental Training Curriculum personalized to athlete’s specific challenges

Access to online portal containing topic specific videos, worksheets, tools, and other resources.

1 Onsite session per month          (in addition to weekly contacts)





3 Week Intensive Program         

Designed for athletes who are in-season & need quick results

Brief sessions 2x/week plus one 75-minute training session

Observation session onsite at a game/match/training/race 

Follows Mental Training Curriculum personalized to athlete’s specific challenges

Access to online portal containing topic specific videos, worksheets, tools, and other resources.

Coaching for Parents

Starter Offerings

Discovery Call (Free)

30 Minute Phone Consultation

Clarify primary challenges and potential goals for coaching.

Explain options for coaching, what we offer, what to expect from coaching process.

Answer your questions about parent coaching, coaching packages, etc.  



Introductory Session

55 Minute Session (in-person or virtual)

Identify primary challenges that you are experiencing in parenting your young athlete.

Gain a full understanding of your son or daughter’s athletic history, your hopes for their athletic career, and family dynamics that affect your interactions. 

Create coaching plan based on your goals and unique challenges.

Coaching for Parents

Coaching Packages

Parent Flagship

Two 55 minute Sessions/month

In-person or Virtual based on your preference

Sessions are parents only but can periodically include your young athlete 

Access to online portal containing resources, videos, worksheets, and tools

Content of sessions is personalized to your specific challenges & goals     

Text contact in between sessions via WhatsApp



Parent Premier

Two 55 minute Sessions/month

In-person or Virtual based on your preference

Sessions are parents only but can periodically include your young athlete 

Access to online portal containing resources, videos, worksheets, and tools

Content of sessions is personalized to your specific challenges & goals      

Text contact in between sessions via WhatsApp

Additional 30 minute phone call (monthly)

Workshops, Trainings, and Talks

Team Workshop

   Sessions with the team occur on-site and last 60-90 minutes.

Consultation call prior to workshop to identify goals and determine the topic.

Potential topics include:

  • Overcome Negative Self-Talk
  • Building Team Chemistry
  • Effective Communication
  • Increasing Resilience
  • Post-Athletics Transition


Staff Training

Training for sports professionals on mental training techniques.

Audiences include youth sports coaches, physical therapists, athletic trainers, college coaching staff etc.

Potential topics include:

  • Psychology of Injury Recovery 
  • Coaching the Mental Game,
  • Communicating with this Generation of Youth Athletes


Group Talks

Speaking to larger groups – such as an entire program, multiple teams, or a large staff.

Consultation call prior to speaking engagement to identify the goals for the talk and determine the topic.

Potential topics include:


  • Rowing in the Same Direction: How to build a positive team culture
  • Personal Training for your Mind: How to implement key mental performance tools